Help us build a kinder and more inclusive society by inspiring your students to give back.
Fundraising ideas
Nominate us as your charity of the year
The whole school community can get involved with fundraising for Afrocats as your charity of the year. You'll get to see the impact of your fundraising with updates throughout the year or the term.
Dress up or dress down
Pick a Friday and hold a dress-up or dress-down day. Dress up as your favourite character, artist or country.
Raffle and a bake sale
Raffle off prizes that you've made or sourced from local businesses. You could also make cakes and sweet treats to sell on the day.
Collection boxes
Keep a collection box on your school reception desk or in the staff room.
Movie day
Pick movies from different cultures to screen in school, charge a ticket entry fee and sell popcorn or other treats.
Donate goods or products
We regularly need donations of toiletries, clothing, period products, laptops or tablets, and data. Why not keep a collection bin in school.
Supporting your curriculum
Partnering with Afrocats can support your PHSE, citizenship and geography curriculums. Through your lessons and fundraising efforts, you can help your students to explore topics such as migration, culture shock and displacement. Introducing these themes can help students to develop respect and empathy.